The Future of SEO

SEO is a peculiar thing. Most of the people love it, and some others think that it as an affliction for them in the internet. I solely welcome the truth that it not only alive, but it literally can build or destroy the business in the digital age.
Over the past many areas Google has made many changes in the algorithms and we are all aware of these algorithms. In the 2015 there are different updates from the Google. I believe that the future of SEO will be evaluated with the Google algorithms and updates, these updates are good for the people. In 2015 Google wants to reward for the best quality content. Google wants to make the searchers happy.
Some factors that will become too low important in future:
Page Rank (PR) or Domain Authority: Websites which have high page ranking in these days may automatically dominate the search engines in the future.
If a website with high page rankings doesn’t mean that Google or other search engines will love it more. Giving the credit to the page rank means that the rich will be rich and the poor will be poor.
Domain Age: Domain age is completely related to Page rank. Newly started and future websites never to be punished because these weren’t in the golden era of SEO. But unfortunately it was happening.
For example: I started a company related to confectioners and our company was in top position, because we dominated the search with “They order we deliver” content marketing philosophy in 2009, now we stand on the top position and the new beginners into the industry can’t pull us to down.
Social Media: Many SEO gurus will think that the Social signals from different social media sites plays a great role, for the search rankings to get a great place. But this won’t be true for a long time. Yes, for a mean while it may happens but sooner or later it can decrease because manipulating the social signals can be very easy to make a piece of content worthy which appears. FB and Google are becoming massive competitors and do you think that the Google will affect the algorithm to be impacted by a competitor???
Backlinks: The inbound links and backlinks play a major role in the webpage which has a great place in the SEO. But eventually it may become very less and less factor. For many people we can wield these back links. Inbound links which have old content, and as searchers has to know the fact that latest is the strongest info within any field, search engines might be forced to give less weight, so making content fresh also plays a great role.
Different things which play a great and major role in SEO are:
In future, content plays a great role in SEO, true and unique content which looks good and smart can be used a piece for great communication for the readers. Some other significant factors which play a great role are
Bounce Rate: Bounce rate should be low; if they come and go quickly then it will be a problem.
Content: Content must be user friendly and easy to read and understandable.
Crispiness in the content: People want the answers but they want great answers for them.
Friendly website to mobile: No matter what website it is, it must be visible and must look great on the screen.
Transparent/honesty: people choose the transparent and honesty content and also the search engines will also choose and present that type of content.
SEO is going to play a major role in the future, and using the seo can bring many fruitful things to you.
Unknown Unknown Author

